Hot off the presses, our first look at the printed book of The Explorers Guild which hit the shelves October 20. Looks even better in person.
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Hot off the presses, our first look at the printed book of The Explorers Guild which hit the shelves October 20. Looks even better in person.
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I realize it’s difficult for most books to compose tweets, what with their lack of arms, sentience, and working wi-fi. But that’s just how powerful The Explorers Guild is.
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Agitainment is the official website of artist, writer, and filmmaker, Rick Ross. It’s the digital hub for all things Rick Ross.
From here you can quickly find out about current and past projects I’ve worked on, view my digital comics anthology, Agitainment Comics, read my thoughts on the blog, or shop in my online store for cool stuff (coming soon).
Have a look around and feel free to leave comments below.
Ex animo!